Friday, February 12, 2010

It's Elementary - Lessons from the Elements (Air)

WindLife is comprised of four elements – Air, Water, Earth and Fire. They intertwine and compliment one another. Each one has a little something to teach us, if we open ourselves up to lessons it has to offer.

Our first Guru is Air.

Be Present
Air is ever present. It surrounds us and moves through us. With every single breath we take, it comes in and travels through our entire being in the tiniest of moments. To be like Air is to be everywhere in this moment. Live in the Total Here-and-Now. Realize that even though we are like a single breath, we are also a part of the Greater Whole.

Be Still
One of Air’s special qualities is its stillness. It doesn’t have to be or do anything in order to be Air. It just is.

In stillness, air carries the sweet sounds of nature. It lets light and all creatures pass through undisturbed. Within its stillness is Peace.

Be Gentle
Air can be gentle. It’s calm and subtle force is what helps move Life from one place to another. It teaches us that we don’t have to be forceful just to get things going.

Within its gentleness, Air calms and soothes our souls. We can be as equally gentle to ourselves as Air.

Be Supportive
Air is also very strong. After all, how can something we can’t see, or which lets us pass through so easily, be able to hold up giant airplanes?

Air teaches us how to be supportive of others, just by being itself.

Be Powerful
When wind picks up, it can level entire landscapes. It becomes a force to be reckoned with; and reminds us of the true power of its strength.

Through its strength, Air teaches us that by unleashing our power within, there’s nothing we can’t overcome.

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