Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Peace by Piece... a New Dawn Awaits!

Remember the interview I did on Saturday with E. Dee Conrad? Well, today (Tuesday September 21st) is the official launch of the brand new book by E.Dee Conrad, A New Dawn Awaits: The Times ahead and How to Shift Your Consciousness.

What's most interesting is that this book, which has so much to do with the future of humanity, is celebrating its launch on World Peace Day (although the launch wasn't planned that way). In this time of stress and anxiety the link between E.Dee’s book and World Peace Day seems such a perfect fit.

A New Dawn Awaits is described as being, “a compassionate and inspiring channelled collection of short inspirational reflections, bringing together wisdom of the ages, showing us how to access knowledge that has been part of our consciousness, but has been dormant, for eons. It is a book to help readers reach inwards into their divine essence and outwards to the energy that connects us as one humanity.”

The launch started officially at 12:01 AM Pacific, Tuesday September 21st.

If you purchase A New Dawn Awaits today, you can receive a complete library of personal development gifts from dozens of leading authors, coaches, healers and teachers on the subject of consciousness and self-awareness.

To purchase the book can claim your bonus gifts, just go to http://tinyurl.com/NewDawnAwaits

There you will find links to purchase the book from Amazon (US, Canada and UK), and instructions on how to claim your bonus gifts, including a collection of my cartoons, "Toon Up Your Life" and some other stuff I threw in "just because."

Last week, hundreds of listeners got to know 1st-time author E.Dee Conrad, when she and me dear friend Lynn Serafinn co-hosted the 3-Day Telesummit entitled, “The Shift. The Message. The Transformation.” If you were amongst these listeners, I'm sure you'll agree with Lynn when she says, “E.Dee is one of the kindest, most balanced and natural people I know, and her message is full of compassion, hope and common sense.”

Lynn also says, “I believe when people read New Dawn Awaits, it will help them to rise above the anxieties the media tend to stir up about the future. On the other hand, I also believe E.Dee’s book will help to bring people’s understanding of the evolution of consciousness out of the realm of the ‘cosmic’, and back down to Earth at a practical level.”

I know E.Dee’s motivation for writing the book is simply to “get the message out”: the message that “a new dawn awaits” —a bright and exciting new dawn—for all of us in the times ahead. I do encourage you to check out A New Dawn Awaits on World Peace Day, Tuesday Sept 21st.

Buy A New Dawn Awaits by E.Dee Conrad on Sept 21st
and can claim your bonus gifts at

Don’t worry about not having enough time to download all the bonus gifts. As long as you purchase the book during the launch, you’ll have access to the download page until the end of September.

AND… if you happened to miss the 3-Day Telesummit, you also can download the audio for free when you buy the book during the launch, as her gift to you.

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